- On November 1st, uninstall any GNU software (e.g. gcc, coreutils) from your system. You may want to install a special GNUless distro such as Alpine.
- Use your newly GNUless system as your daily driver for a whole month.
- On November 31st, you can reinstall your GNU tools/switch back to your GNU/Linux distro (or don't! If you find that you prefer to not use GNU, then keep it that way.)
GNUless November: a month without GNU.
This November, challenge yourself to live without GNU for a month.
About the Challenge
GNULess November is a fairly simple challenge to understand:
The most accurate way to honestly describe the purpose of this challenge is that my friends and I thought it sounded cool, so we made it into a thing.
That being said, doing this challenge could have actual interesting results. We wanted to see just how much GNU software actually matters in day-to-day usage (especially considering that a lot of people call Linux GNU/Linux) and whether non-GNU alternatives actually worked better. So by undertaking this challenge, you can both increase your knowledge of how your distro/OS works (by identifying GNU components) and experiment to see if a non-GNU workflow fits better!
Note that this challenge is not meant to antagonize GNU and the FSF in any way. It's purely a challenge to see how much GNU software you use on a daily basis and how it would feel to get rid of/replace these components.